Monday, August 31, 2009

Working Out

I just got back from the gym. I started weight training some what seriously while I was in Korea, and got very serious in Iraq before the doctors said I could only lift 15lbs (slightly more than the weight of an M-16 and 30 round magazine) because of a hernia. Most of the time, I have done standard 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions or some work out out of Men's Health or some other magazine. Lately, however, I have been doing a low volume/progressive intensity regiment.

Basically, you divide you body into two workout groups (my first group is chest, shoulders and triceps, and my second group is back, biceps and legs), and you choose one exercise for each body part. Do a warm up set at half the weight you are going to do for the workout, and then one set of six to eight repetitions at the workout weight. Now comes the tough part; walk away (don't lift any more for that body part). I do group one on Mondays and group two on Tuesdays. I rest on Wednesdays, and then do two sets of ten to twelve repetitions for groups one and two on Thursdays and Fridays respectively. For more detailed information, check out the article on at Also check out for all kinds of exercise and fitness information.

So, what did I do today? Well, I bench pressed 270lbs for eight repetitions. My goal is to bench 300lbs for eight repetitions, and I should be able to reach that goal in about six to eight weeks. I don't know if I have bulked up much from this workout regiment, but I have seen a huge increase in strength. (Well, my deltoids and traps have grown and my back is thicker, so I guess I have). I am not saying that this is the right way to doing things of everybody, but it is working for me at this time.

Really, you should look at your goals and find a workout program that will best help you reach those goals. Be honest with yourself too. If you are a long-distance runner or a rock climber, bulking up might not be a good idea. I think you get the point. Also, educate yourself. There are lots of book and information on the internet, and you can find people that know what they are doing at the gym (the person that runs the place, personal trainers, etc). I could ramble all day, but it is lunch time and I'm hungery.


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