Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President's Address to School Children

This morning, I watch Pres. Obama's address to the American school children. With all of the hoopla surrounding the speech, I wanted to see what he would say. I have to say that I disagree with many, if not most, of the President's views and I am not a fan; however, he is the legally elected President of the United States. I may or may not like him, but I respect his position as President.

That being said, I liked the address. The message basically boiled down to do your best, work hard at school, focus and keep trying if you don't succeed the first time. Having taught school prior to enlisting, I know that there are a vast number of students that needed to hear the message. As a parent, I would recommend watching the address with your school-aged children (watch it on YouTube).

As far as the hoopla, I can understand it. I feel that the address itself was not the issue. The real issue that started the controversy was the teaching aides that the Department of Education (DoE)released to go along with the speech. I don't want my child pledging allegiance to any President nor anything other then God and the United States of America. When we were in Texas, my son's class recited a pledge of allegiance to the state of Texas. I refused to let my son participate. That is just the way I see it. Also, I don't want my son helping Mr. Obama further his agenda, at least not until he (my son) is an adult. Some one in the DoE did not think things through when preparing the packet. If the packet did not exist or had not originally contained such material, it would have been hard to take issue with the President's address. After all, I remember seeing Pres. Reagan's anti-drug address as a child. I also think that letting children see such events strengthens their civic-mindedness. Taking a thought from my former First Sergeant, some one should find the guy who put that stuff in and (figuratively) "PUNCH HIM IN THE HEAD!!!" (I don't condone actually punching any one in the head).


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